Backyard Adventure and Book Fair

Tulsa, OK

Backyard Adventure and Backyard Book Fair
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Start at 6:30pm" for the 5K Backyard Adventure Race 
"Start at sunset (8:09pm), finish by sunrise (6:46a)" for the Backyard Book Fair.

Packet pickup will be on Saturday, August 17th at the Herman & Kate YMCA starting at 6:00PM for the Adventure Race and 7:30PM for the Book Fair.

Join us at the Herman & Kate YMCA, Tulsa, Oklahoma for two great events in one night.

The Backyard Adventure Race: Starts at 6:30 PM
Is a scavenger hunt contained all on the YMCA premises, use your map and clues to run crazy to find adventure and challenges the YMCA has to offer. Do it solo or with a friend or family group.
Stay afterwards because Dinner will be provided after your event of Hamburgers and Hotdogs.

The Backyard Book Fair: Starts at 8:30 PM (after dinner)
If you are familiar with the famous Barkley marathon and you have always wanted to experience a bit of what it is like, then this event is for you. Plus who doesn't want to go running around Turkey Mountain in the middle of the night with tons of your other friends to see who is the best navigator to find books hidden with your only hope of finding said books is your knowledge of the mountain and your map provided with the clues as to where those books might be?
Come early 8:00ish PM for a pre-race meal of hamburgers and hotdogs!

Hello Backyard racers,
The time is drawing near for our YMCA adventures! Just a few things to clue you in on what to do and to expect.

Firstly, you should expect fun! You know where that fun is gonna come from? You! You are gonna bring all the fun!

Secondly, you can expect to be fed. We will be serving Hamburgers and Hot dogs after the Adventure race and before the Book Fair. I would say roughly between 7:30 and nightall. We will have some bottled water, Gatorade and some soda's. Bring your lawn chairs and plan to hang out after and before.  You can also bring your own snacks and drinks if you want.
If you are planning on dining with us please respond to this e-mail so we know how much food to bring.

The Adventure race will start around 6:30. Maps, race numbers and shirts will be handed out and the first wave of fun begins.

The Book Fair will start when the sun goes down. You must bring a head lamp or a light of some kind and some way to carry water with you. We will have jugs of water and Gatorade to refill and some usual aid station snacks to keep us fueled during the night. The race lasts form sundown to sun up.

Our good friend Mitch has been scheming up some real adventures for us and I can't wait to see what devious things he has in store.

We look forward to seeing you all this evening,

Do one or if you are brave enough do both.
Want to volunteer? Click Here

Let the fun and games start here!
Join us on Saturday, August 19th for events suitable for all ages and abilities.
It's a great event for friends, ______, and even ______ strangers you meet on the ______.
Backyard Adventure Race - Think “5K with __________.” Which may or may not include
archery, free throw, ____ _____. You definitely won’t have to _____ __ ___ ____. Maybe.
6:30pm start. Expect to walk, run, or hike 2-3 miles. Getting ___ is a possibility. Getting dirty is
The Backyard Book Fair allows everyone to experience ______ ____ activities in a true urban
wilderness area.
Backyard Book Fair - The race is a mystery and details are not provided until the _____ ____.
However, there are a few things you ______ know.
? Start at sundown; finish by _______
? Solve puzzles, find clues to locations on and around Herman & Kate Kaiser YMCA
? Find books & bring back the ____ that matches your bib number
? This is a ____ event so nobody is left alone in the dark
? The ______ is most books found by the sunrise deadline
? Pancake _________ at sunrise

For the Book Fair You must have a least 2 people on your team. You can have as many as you like but at least 2 is the rule.
Outdoor Cookout: Registration for either race includes an outdoor campfire style dinner on
Saturday evening (7:00-8:30pm), ______ on the fire pit, and a typical “trail race” aid station.
Overnight Camping: The Herman & Kate Kaiser YMCA is hosting overnight camping during this
event. Bring your own ___ and supplies or you can rent them from the Y. Camp out includes
camp activities & _____ , evening dinner, s'mores on the fire pit, and _______ breakfast on
Sunday morning. Enjoy the sounds of ______ or music (if you bring a guitar or accordion), and
great friends.

 Pro Tip: This puzzle might be a good thing to practice before race day...
    summer camp        word games       pancake       challenges
 stand on your head      s'mores               wet              tent
         should                 nature              sunrise        start line
          team                breakfast              page          winner

When & Where

Aug 17, 2024


6:30 PM

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Tulsa, OK


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